Articles on Sonoran Wildlife
- Alert! Wildlife Poisonings by Barbara Sciacca. There are more humane methods to eliminate rodents.
- Bark Scorpions by Mia Ditson. Nothing to mess with.
- Barn Owls and Mineshafts by Bob Gaulden. The symbiotic relationship of barn owls and old mineshafts.
- Be Aware of the Buzz by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. The defensive Africanized honeybee.
- Black Cardinal is Really Phainopepla by Nancy Laizure. The “Shining Robe”.
- Bobcat by Margaret Stewart. The most common, but rarely seen, southwestern cat.
- Brave Heart by Janet Law. The remarkable hummingbird.
- Brown Spiders by Cliff Faver DVM (adapted from his information). Equally as menacing as the Brown Recluse.
- Cattin’ Around with the Bobcats by Lynne Hoss. Enjoy what you can see in our Sonoran Desert foothills.
- Cave Creek: Refuge for Desert Fish by Thom Hulen. Their presence testifies to the incredible nature of the Sonoran Desert.
- Cobwebs by Jim Blackburn. A sure sign your house is being cleaned.
- Coyote, God’s Dog by Margaret Stewart. We are fortunate to have the coyote as our Foothills neighbor.
- Crotalus in the Cabin by Geoffrey Platts. A remarkable encounter.
- Desert Bighorn Sheep in the Cave Creek Area by Thom Hulen. Reintroduction possible into the Desert Foothills.
- Did You Know? by Tanya Wyman DVM. Unusual, perhaps useful facts, to know.
- For the Birds by Geri Rodin. Bird feeding and unintended consequences.
- Got Bugs? by Cliff Faver DVM. We may have a dry heat, but don’t take them for granted.
- Greetings from the Critters by Penelope Cox. A report on a few recent sightings from my “roost”.
- Hawks and a Year in the Desert by Jeanne Kiefer. The joys of living among exotic wildlife.
- If You Find a Baby Quail by Jeani Garrett. How you can help baby quail survive.
- Invasive Crayfish by Thom Hulen. Another example of unintended consequences.
- It’s A Bullsnake, But It’s No Bull by Abby Hemingway. What to do when you encounter a bullsnake, or two, in your house.
- Large Black Birds by Jacky Davis. How to tell ravens from crows.
- Little Brown Towhee Wears A Rusty Beanie by Nan Byrne. Who is that little brown bird?
- My Friend, Jack by Marguerite Lanham. That is, Jack, for jackrabbit.
- Nature Is Evil? by Diane Vaszily. Is it really that scary out there?
- New World Turkey Vultures by Penelope Cox. Soaring beautifully over the Desert Foothills.
- Our Backyard Watering Hole by Kiki Young (as told to Diane Vaszily). Hardly a day goes by without some sort of performance.
- Quail Log: March 26th to May 4th by Gerry Rodin/Jeani Garrett. A primer on quail birthing.
- Quail Show Concern for Babies by Linda Voremberg. Bonding within quail families.
- Small Birds Give Ground to Thrasher by Nan Byrne. You’ll know me by my distinctive whistle.
- Snakes and Spiders Won’t Do It Alone by Jim Blackburn. Why I like snakes and spiders.
- Solitary Bees by Mia Ditson. Distinct from honeybees and vital to the Sonoran Desert.
- Tarantula Crossing the Road by Geri Rodin. The gentle giants of our spider world.
- The Green Umbrella by Janet Law. Mourning doves take up residence.
- The Kissing Bug by Nan Byrne. You can call this sneaky bug by many names.
- The Ringtail by Penelope Cox. When is a cat not a cat?
- There’s a Quail Nest in My Geraniums by Jeani Garrett. Quail can live happily alongside humans if humans cooperate.
- Turkey Vultures Return for Summer by Nancy Laizure. Turkey vultures do their share to keep the world clean.
- We Brake for Baby Quail! by Brenda Olive. May we protect this never-ending source of enjoyment.
- Whatever Happened to the Horny Toads? by Lynne Hoss. Thriving in the wild.
- Who’d Choose a Cactus Wren as Arizona’s State Bird? by Jim Blackburn. A unique and independent character.
- Who’s Not Appreciated? by Jim Blackburn. Lizards: kind of nice to have around.
- A Cardinal Nesting Story by Nancy Laizure
- A Desert Walk Reveals Playful Activities by Penny Cox
- A Negative Report on Electric Cure for Snakebite by Bert Edises
- Abandoned Wildlife…Really? by Bert Edises
- Abundant Food Supply Draws Towhees to Area by Helen Fancher
- All You Need to Know About Lowly Lizards by Jo Walker
- Amazing Animals by Helen Fancher
- Area is Kind to Visiting Warblers by Jo Walker
- Arizona’s Littles tBig Game Doesn’t Present Much Danger by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Attracting and Feeding Birds by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Badgers by Penelope Cox
- Bent-Winged Vulture Seen Amoung Returning Birds by Jo Walker
- Beware of the Variety of Ticks in Animals by Marguerite Lanham
- Bird Feed Draws Pesky Squirrel by Bert Edises
- Bird Watcher Finds Elevation reveal Changes by Frank Casanova
- Birding Creates Thrilling Adventures by Laura Cox
- Birds in Your Backyard by Helen Fancher
- Birdwatcher Clocks Seasonal Visits by Frank Casanova
- Birdwatcher Observes Stunt-Flying Ability, Antics by Jane Ekrom
- Bobcat’s Role of Increasing Importance to Arizona’s Ecosystem by Jo Walker
- Bobcat’s Visit Upsets neighborhood Routine by Margaret Stewart
- Bobwhites by Marshall Fancher
- Borer Beetles Beset Palo Verde Trees by Nan Byrne
- Brood Sizes May Illustrate Quails’ Elusion of Old Foe by Frank Casanova
- Cactus Wren Sparkles in Old Discarded Christmas Tree by Edie Hennacy
- Cactus Wrens Like to Nest in Empty Coconut Shells by Frank Cassanova
- Centenarian Survives its Harsh Desert Life by Penelope Cox
- Changing Season Ideal Time to Observe Animals by Marguerite Lanham
- Charile’s Folly-An Ode to the Ludicrous Roadrunner by Penny Cox
- Close Encounters with Intriguing Ants by Janet Heber
- Colorado River Toad – One of Our Friends by Desert Awareness Committee
- Colorado River Toad Stocking up for Hibernation by Desert Awareness Committee
- Conclusion of a Wildlife Calendar by Frank Casanova
- Condors by Bobbie Weingard
- Cone-nosed Beetle is Silent Purveyor of Pain by Nan Byrne
- Cottontail in No Danger of Becoming Extinct by Nan Byrne
- Coyote Invaluable to Ecological Balance by Bert Edises
- Coyotes Make Quick Work of Rabbit by Desert Awareness Committee
- Dead Agave Plants Attract all Kinds of Birds and Wildlife by Corky Cockburn
- Describing a Veritable Parade of Wildlife by Cassanova and Jones
- Desert Tortoise at Home Here by Gladys Nisbet
- Desert’s Largest Toad to Seek Hibernation in Coming Season by CCIA Conservatin Committe
- Do you enjoy feeding the birds? by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Dripping Ponds Can Attract Wildlife by Andy Romanyak
- Female Tarantuals Gentle, Long Lifed by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Foothills Bird Feeders Attract Exotic Species by Nan Byrne
- Friendly Nuthatch is Entertaining by Frank Casanova
- Getting Acquainted with the Squirrel by Jane Ekrom
- Ground Snakes Can Be An Asset by Christine Zuick
- Harris Hawks by Nancy Laizure
- Harris Hawks: a Real Family Affair by Marguerite Lanham
- Havahart Trap: No Bait, No Wait by Bert Edises
- Help Offered to Halt Hummingbird Harrassment by Gladys Nisbet:Sketch by Nan Byrne
- History of Grizzly Makes Re-introduction to Arizona Unlikely by Bert Edises
- Honeybee Thrives in Sonoran by CCIA Conservation Committee
- How do coyotes fit into “Natural” scheme of things? by CCIA Conservation Committee
- How to Round up a Desert Rattlesnake by Geoffrey Platts
- Hummingbirds Flight Patterns, Behavior are a Wonder to Behold by Helen Fancher
- It’s Easy to Attract Wildlife in Foothills by Desert Awareness Committee
- Javelina: Questions and Answers by Bert Edises
- Kangaroo Rat Important Factor in the Ecology of our Desert by Bert Edises
- Keep Your Eyes Open for the “Carefree Streetwalker” by Nan Byrne
- Knowledge about Snakes Beneficial by Peter Mayne
- Lawrence’s Ode to Slithery Snakes by Lawrence, Taormina, Sicily
- Less Exotic Animals Still Provide Pleasure for Nature Lovers by Jane Ekrom
- Lifespan Varies Among Desert Species by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Little Skinks Make Big Impressions by Helen Fancher
- Lizards Antics capture Imaginaton by Barbara Sciacca
- Lizards are Welcome Denizens of the Desert by Jo Walker
- Local Birdwatchers Experience the Take-off of 30,000 Geese by Corky Cockburn
- More About Lizards: Welcome Denizens of Our Sonoran Desert by Jo Walker
- Mother Nature is Best for Baby Wild Animals by Nancy Laizure
- My Friend, Coyote, Sends a Message by Jane Ekrom
- Nature Cares for Winged Friends by Frank Casanova
- Neotoma Houdini is a Sly Rat by Bert Edises
- Night Hawks are Voracious Insect Eaters That Will Not Walk by John Engler
- Nocturnal Great Horned Owl Works Graveyard Shift by Bert Edises
- Odds and Ends on Coyotes by Desert Awareness Committee
- ‘Other’ Cave Creek a Bird Watcher’s Paradise by Corky Cockburn
- Owls are Subject of Folklore by Geoffrey Platts
- Poor-will Startles its Rescuers by Nan Byrne
- Porcupines by Penny Cox
- Quail and More Rely on Desert Foods by Andy Romanyak
- Rare Bird in Desert Foothills by Nancy Laizure
- Raven’s Intelligence, Ravenous Appetite Set Him Apart by Bert Edises
- Reality of Coyotes’ Life Cycle Endangers Pets by Cliff Faver
- Return of Bird Friends Mark Season’s Change by Nancy Laizure
- Rock Squirrel Encounters by Bert Edises
- Rock Squirrel is Important Link to Well-being of Desert Environment by Nan Byrne
- Season Change Brings New Mixture of Birds by Nan Byrne
- Shrike is Not a Favorite Among His Fellow Birds by Nancy Laizure
- Shy Bobcat Can Still be Seen in the Desert by Penelope Cox
- Snake Charming – Getting Rid of Snakes is Easier When They Cooperate by Frank Cassanova
- Snakes Alive! Bird Brain Rids Desert of Serpents by Frank Cassanova
- Snakes are Maligned, Misunderstood by Christine Zuick
- Snakes Back on the Move This Spring by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Songs, Signs, Silhouettes Tip Off Area Bird Watchers by Helen Fancher
- Spring is the Season of Plenty by June B. Peterson
- Spring is the Time of Year to Enjoy all Types of Life by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Survival: Quail Chick Survives Trial by Water by Desert Awareness Committee
- Swallows Capture Curiosity of Trail Rider by Nancy Laizure
- Swallows There, Vultures Here by Jo Walker
- Taking Babies From Their Natural Habitat Can Mean Early Death by Desert Awareness Committee
- Tangle Leaves Wren Legless by Corky Cockburn
- Tarantulas and Wildlife Laws by Nan Byrne
- That Cardinal May Be a Pyrrhuloxia by Nancy Laizure/Sketch by Nan Byrne
- The Cactus Wren: State Bird is Most Personable Desert Dweller by Bert Edises
- The Desert Packrat Revisited by Bert Edises
- The Gila Monster is a Protected and Rare Species by Desert Awareness Committee
- This Bug’s “Kiss” Isn’t So Nice by Nan Byrne
- This Scarecrow is Called Home by Cactus Wren by Nancy Laizure
- This Story is For the Birds by Corky Cockburn
- Tips on Tracking Desert Wildlife by Geri Rodin
- True, Bugs Were Having Their Day by Jo Walker
- Trusting Nature is Fox’s Undoing by Helen Fancher
- Truths About Roadrunners by Bert Edises
- Turkey Vultures Return for the Summer by Nancy Laizure
- Two Different Views Expressed on Role of Coyotes by Desert Awareness Committee
- Visitors Curiosity Satisfied Abut Desert Floor Pock-markings by John Engler
- Watching Feathered Friends Always a Pleasure by Helen Fancher
- Watching Nature’s Balancing Act by Jane Ekrom
- What to do for Lost Quail Chicks by Ann Blood
- What’s Become of the West’s Big, Bad Wolf by Bert Edises
- White Crowned Sparrows by Corky Cockburn
- Wildlife Memories, Happy and Tragic by Cleo Rothman
- Wildlife Week is Celebrated by Geoffrey Platts
- Wildlife Week Promotes Awareness by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Wildlife Week Set for March 20-26 by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Writer Says Coyote Shining Example of Christianity by Ellerie Wolfer