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Three Valley artists—a painter, a digital artist and a fiber artist—will look at their art in the past, present and future for an exhibit Sept. 22 through Nov. 25 at the Holland Center Gallery of Fine Art 

An opening reception for Nicolette Maguire Bonnstetter, Pamela Fingerhut and Laurie Fagen will be held from 2-4 p.m. Sun., Nov 3.  

“We wanted to show an evolution of our work through our lives,” Maguire Bonnstetter explains. “One piece is from my time in my 20s when I was so stressed, and I want people to feel that emotion.”  

She adds the exhibit will be “informative and interactive,” with questions and quotes posted on the wall, and inspirational objects places beside art pieces.  

Maguire Bonnstetter got to know Fingerhut following an artists’ meeting years ago. Fagen and Maguire Bonnstetter bonded as former Iowans, who met through the Holland Center and the Sonoran Arts League. Many of Maguire Bonnstetter’s pieces include dolls, as do some of Fingerhut’s photo-based work. 

“I include montage, or the technique of selecting, editing, and piecing together separate sections of digital files to form a continuous whole,” Fingerhut says. Her subjects range from dolls to tattoos to flowers to melting ice cream. 

Fagen was initially invited to be part of the show to write and perform pieces about the artwork, then was invited to be part of the visual exhibit as well.  

“Many of my fiber art wall quilts share the same bright colors and fun themes as Pamela and Nic work with,” Fagen adds. “We all use women in many of our artwork, so that will also be part of the show.”  

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