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What is the difference between a Plan F and a Plan G? Do you need a supplement and how do you pick the best one?

In this new series developed to help family caregivers navigate the challenges of caring for a family member, you will learn how to understand Insurance and Medicare policies and advocate for your loved ones when decisions need to be made.

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About the Family Caregiver Series:

Join us for a series of 1-hour workshops where you’ll learn practical tips and tools to help you care for your loved ones with more confidence. We’ll cover important topics like navigating Medicare, advocating for their needs, and handling healthcare and financial decisions. Connect with others in similar situations and take home simple strategies that make a real difference.

Thursday, October 24th – What are the legal documents essential for families

Did you know there is a HUGE difference between a power of attorney and a durable power of attorney? What is the difference between a Will and a Trust? Learn how to protect your family members and yourself. It’s never to early to start planning.

Monday, October 28th – What is ALTCS and how to apply

Did you know you can get paid as a caregiver? What are the criteria to qualify for Arizona Long Term Care, how to successfully apply, and how to appeal if you are denied.

Wednesday, November 6th – How to keep your family members from getting scammed

Senior Fraud is rampant in our country and slick scammers have talked our seniors out of BILLIONS of dollars. Learn what to watch for and how to protect your parents and loved ones.

Monday, November 11th – Assets and ALTCS

Some assets are considered exempt while others are considered countable towards financial ability to pay. Learn how to structure assets so they can qualify for ALTCS.

Family Caregiver Series - This is all Greek to me!

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