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Why are people so interested in exploring space? It has always been the great unknown, but with each passing day, our astronomers are finding out more and more.

This class is designed to enable attendees to understand how astronomers are able to determine the distance to our moon (first) and then the planets in our solar system, and to our sun. It’s absolutely fascinating how, using something called parallax, we can measure a star’s apparent movement against the background movement of distant stars.

The class will go on to finding the distances to other stars; first the closer ones and then ones farther away, because there are some really large, bright stars, that show up at great distances.

Next, you will discuss stars that explode and how we can use them to determine distances to other galaxies.

So, join this new adventure into space, and find out all the amazing things that bring us closer to the infinite world of space and our attempts to travel there.  Beginners are welcome! You will have a session using telescopes and see for yourself, up close, what astronomers see.

This is a four week class that Meets at 6:30 – 8:00 pm, Thursdays, starting on Feb. 3.  The classes are Feb. 3,10,17, and 24.

Robert Ewing has been interested in Astronomy since his older sister taught him star and constellation names starting when he was 6. He has been teaching Astronomy since grad school, in Oregon and Arizona. Most recently he has taught at several community colleges in the area, including PVCC.  He looking forward to teaching for the Holland Center!

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