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In regard to our functional nutrition, the first step in healing the body is always to remove the things that are toxic. Only by understanding toxins and removing them from your diet can you enjoy optimal concentration, memory, and brain health.  Join us and learn why eliminating neurotoxic foods from your diet must be a priority and how to start cleaning up your diet.

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About our Speaker:

Brian Browne is the president of Cognitive Care Management® and founder of Neuro Nutrition™.  Brian is a cognitive scientist and neuro-nutritionist and possesses over 20 years of expertise in the fields of aging, dementia and nutrition. He is a noted public speaker and a frequent lecturer at meetings and conferences regionally and nationally.

About our Sponsor:

ACOYA Troon is a premiere senior living community complete with endless amenities, stunning residences and breathtaking desert views. Nestled at the foot of the famous Pinnacle Peak trailhead in one of North Scottsdale’s most desirable neighborhoods, ACOYA Troon offers a luxury retirement living experience modeled after the country’s finest resorts.  Thank you to ACOYA Troon for making this series possible!


Healthy Aging & Cognitive Health Lecture Series

Toxic Foods and Brain Health

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