Class Proposal

Class Proposal

For new or returning instructors/presenters proposing a new class

We're looking for dynamic, knowledgeable instructors with fresh ideas to teach adult & youth classes.

Please fully complete the form below for your class to be considered for approval. Please allow five (5) business days for a response to your proposal and, for planning considerations, please note that the process of getting classes approved and uploaded live to our website/Calendar can take up to three (3) weeks. 

*Please use sentence case, no all caps.*



If this class will be part of a series at The Holland Center, please type the series name here. e.g. History of the Civil War is a class in the Americana Lecture Series.
How many hours is the class?
We will do our best to meet this request, but class dates/times are dependent on room availability.
In case of limited room availability for your 1st Choice date/time, please give at least one additional option that could work for you.
We will do our best to meet this request, but class dates/times are dependent on room availability.


Please submit an outline or curriculum for the class and any other handouts. This will help expedite our review. PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR LAST NAME IN THE FILENAMES.
Please provide a description of your class that will help sell it to the community. Once accepted, we may edit slightly for clarity, punctuation, and grammar—and may omit some content due to space. *Please use sentence case, no all caps.*
Separate from class features/description, how will the outcomes of this class benefit the participant? Please list 1-3 benefits that will help sell your class to the community. Use “you” language for best results. *Please use sentence case, no all caps.*
Check all that apply.
Please mark all that apply.
(Experience level of participants.) Please mark all that apply.
If there are no prerequisites, please enter "None"
What should participants bring? i.e., sack lunch, snack/drink, sweater/jacket, closed-toed shoes, paint brushes, magazine cut-outs, etc.


Classes are offered at a 70/30 split. 70% of the fees collected through The Holland Center's online registration/payment system go directly to the instructor. The remaining 30% is used by The Holland Center for administration expenses. Payments are mailed to instructor within 14 days after the class has concluded.

Please calculate your own fee with the 70/30 split in mind. After submission of this form, The Holland Center can provide consultation on the fee if desired.


If applicable - As you would like it to appear in the class description.
If applicable - as you would like it to appear in the class description.
Please include anything that will help build the credibility of you / this class to the community such as any experience you have providing this type of service and any other relevant certifications, training, or special achievements. *Please use sentence case, no all caps.*


Must be a minimum of 4.


Please note that instructors needing AV must bring their own laptop equipped with HDMI capability -- or supply your own adapter.


The Holland Center handles registrations, payments (and refunds), basic marketing, and rosters for you with a 70/30 split: 70% goes to instructor, 30% goes toward The Holland Center's administration expenses. Payments are mailed to instructor within 14 days after the class has concluded.


Please use this area to communicate any additional information to our staff.


  1. Proposal Submission: Submission of this form is not a guarantee that it will be approved.  Proposals will be evaluated based on demand, capacity, room availability, and content.
  2. Instructor Payment: Instructors receive 70% of the total class fees collected by The Holland Center; the other 30% goes toward administration expenses. Instructors will be paid via mailed check within 14 days.
  3. Class Cancellations: We try to avoid cancellations whenever possible. However, when classes do not meet their minimum enrollment tow (2) days prior to a class date, they may need to be cancelled or rescheduled.
  4. Professional Conduct: Instructors are to maintain a professional relationship with participants and parents/guardians of minor participants at all times. Classes should not include any content/curriculum that would be reasonably considered scandalous, controversial, defamatory, or obscene—and shall not violate, infringe, or impede the legal or equitable rights of any person, firm, corporation, or other organization.
  5. Equipment & Supplies: The Holland Center only provides tables, chairs, and projection equipment. Instructor must provide all other equipment needed for their class. Instructors cannot store their materials at the facility, and may not use the copy machines or computers.
  6. Liability & Insurance: The Holland Center is insured in the case of any liability claim occurs against it. This insurance does not in any way provide insurance coverage for instructors. Therefore, if a liability claim occurs against an instructor, the instructor is responsible for defending herself/himself, and paying a claim brought against them.
First and last name

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