Partners in Education
Partners in Education (PIE) seeks to ensure that all students have access to educational enrichment programs and to support innovations in teaching and learning in the Desert Foothills Community.
Who We Are:
Our committee and supporters are local residents, parents, retired educators and businesses who believe that quality education is essential to the social and economic fabric of the community. Funds raised support local students and teachers.
Teacher Vision Grants:
Enables local teachers to pilot and adopt sustainable and transferable educational innovations that advance learning in the arts, communications, information technology or the environment.
Save One Student (SOS) Scholarships:
Ensures that preschool and K-12 children of families with limited financial means have access to tutorial and educational enrichment programs available through Education and Community Services (ECS), a division of Cave Creek Unified School District #93.
Teacher Vision Grants
Enables local teachers to pilot and adopt sustainable and transferable educational innovations that advance learning in the arts, communications, information technology or the environment.