Articles on Sonoran Desert Plantlife
- Beautiful Bushes Enhance Landscape by Brenda Olive
- A Pretty Parasite? by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. Here in our Sonoran Desert, there is a parasite that is actually pretty.
- Bulbils and Our Century Plant by Jim Blackburn. A reproductive oddity.
- Cattails at the Jewel of the Creek by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. Is this good news or bad news?
- Climate Change, Precipitation, and Native Vegetation by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. The importance of those not-so-pretty shrubs for erosion control.
- Desert Plants Kept Native Americans Healthy by Diane Vaszily. How did the indigenous people stock their medicine chest?
- Don’t Bust the Crust by Margaret Stewart. Why cryptobiotic crust needs to be protected.
- Fires Threaten Balance by Lynn Walsh. Non-native grasses, introduced by man, are the culprit.
- Fountain Grass by Thom Hulen. A beautiful, but invasive grass, not to be befriended.
- Growing Wildflowers in the Sonoran Desert by Lynn Walsh. Tips for growing Sonoran wildflowers in your garden.
- How Plants Keep Their Cool by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. They can’t move out of the sun; so how do they survive?
- Identifying a Plant Community by Jim Blackburn. What’s it like to live in a 1,154.121 plant community?
- Let the Games Begin! by Margaret Stewart. The olives are ripe!
- Mesquite by Nan Byrne. Lush refuge.
- News Flash: Desert mistletoe is not a threat to native trees by Steve Jones. Rather, we are the threat.
- Our Desert by Jim Blackburn. A land of thorns, prickles and spines.
- Raking (Or Is It Raping?) the Desert by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. Why not tidy up the desert?
- Salt Cedar Eating Beetle by Thom Hulen. Beneficial beetles take a bite out of salt cedar.
- Savvy Can Keep Desert Broom in Check by Nan Byrne. How to reduce the proliferation of this native plant.
- Seeds by Margaret Stewart. The interesting diversity of seeds.
- Self-Guided Nature Trail by Gretchen Mills. DAC helps private community create nature trail.
- Sonoran Desert Edible Plants by Lynne Hoss. A rich harvest is available to you without planting or watering.
- Spring Wildflowers in the Desert by Desert Awareness Committee members. Learning about Sonoran Desert ephemerals.
- Stop Winter Seeds Now by Lynn Walsh. How to use pre-emergents compatibly with native plants.
- Stress On Agaves by Lynn Walsh. A tiny weevil can take this noble stalk down!
- Sun Stunts Plant Growth by Jim Blackburn. A provocative idea.
- The Curse of the Salt Cedar by Thom Hulen. Best intentions lead conservationists astray.
- The Desert Pharmacy by Diane Vaszily. A natural pharmacopoeia for you in the Sonoran Desert.
- The Hard Life of a Desert Giant by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. Saguaros cope with their natural challenges or die.
- The Sacred Datura by Margaret Stewart. Thornapple, Moon Lily, Jimsonweed, Whatever.
- Tree Growth and Pruning by Jim Blackburn. How to prune Sonoran Desert trees.
- What Does CAM Mean to Your Cacti? by Patsy M. Miller Ph.D. My cactus grows very well, thanks to CAM.
- Wildflowers, Weeds and Wildfires by Thom Hulen. Let’s be part of the solution, not the problem
- Agave: Complex Plant Species by Glady Nisbet
- Allies: Jojobas and Pocket Mice by Nancy Laizure
- An Elusive Event by Nan Byrne
- Are you good at guessing ages? by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Arizona’a Chaparral Plant is Shrub Live Oak by Bert Edises
- Autumn Brings Changes in Habits of Desert Plants, Creatures by Marguerite Lanham
- Barrel Cactus Known by Many Nicknames by Penny Cox
- Be Informed on the Trees of the Desert by Helen Fancher
- Be Wise: All Spine Plants are not Cacti by Desert Awareness Committee
- Belly Flowers Create Colorful Foothills Spring by Glady Nisbet
- Birds Carry Sticky Parasite by Andy Romanyak
- Blooming Comes to Fall Desert by Gladys Nisbet
- Blooms of Autumn by Gladys Nisbet
- Bursage: A Natural by Desert Awareness Committee
- Cacti Practice Water Presentation by Christina Zuick
- Can Overwatering Really Harm Our Desert Vegetation by Frank Cassanova
- Cave Creek-Carefree’s Fall Blooming Plants are Spectacular by Gladys Nisbet
- Characteristics of the Mustard Family by David Lutz
- Chia Are Familiar in Desert Foothills by Gladys Nisbet
- Creosote Bush has benn in Existence for Nearly 40,000 Years by Andy Romanyak
- Creosote is Also Nurse to Other Plants by Andy Romanyak
- Desert Blooms Continue This Month by Gladys Nisbet
- Desert Bursage Playts Many Roles by Penny Cox
- Desert Can Double as a Pharmacy by Diane Vaszily
- Desert Delicacies Make Tempting Edible Dishes by Jo Walker
- Desert Marigolds are a Common Sight by Gladys Nisbet
- Desert Really Comes Alive with the Arrival of Fall Bloomers by Gladys Nisbet
- Desert Shrubs Can Save Water for Homeowners by Andy Romanyak
- Desert Wildflowers on the Bloom by Gladys Nisbet
- Desert’s Delicate Balance Threatened by Lynn Walsh
- Did you know there are boy and girl plants? by Jim Blackburn
- Don’t Snub the Ancient and Remarkable Creosote Bush by Bert Edises
- Drought-tolerant Plants Make Yardwork Easy by Andy Romanyak
- Elevation Alters Plant Pattern by Frank Casanova
- Everything About Saguaro Cacti by Andy Romanyak
- Flowers Bloom Less as Heat Rises by Gladys Nisbet
- Golden “Dodder” Weed is Parasite by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Hackberry Shrub and Tree by Bert Edises
- Here’s the Last Word on Flowers by Gladys Nisbet
- How Desert Plants Adapt to Scarce Water Supplies by Bert Edises
- Ironwood Trees by Jo Walker
- Jojoba Requires Special Attention by Christina Zuick
- Knowledge of Desert Flora Kept Indians Alive by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Many Trees Can Be Easily Adapted for Desert Life by Andy Romanyak
- Martynia or Devil’s Claw by Nan Byrne
- Mistletoe Might Well Be Medicinal by Andy Romanyak
- Mistletoe Threatens Trees by Andy Romanyak
- Moisture and Light Trigger Blooming by Nan Byrne
- Moisture is Key to Pincushion by Andy Romanyak
- No Easy Answer to Questions of Watering Desert Vegetation by Christina Quick
- Ode to a Saguaro by Edith Page
- Palo Verde-Adaptable Under Duress by Bert Edises
- Plant Formation Tedious Process by Andy Romanyak
- Preservation of Large Desert Trees Possible and Worth the Effort by Nan Byrne
- Saguaro Boots by CCIA Conservatin Committee
- Sharp, Wicked Encounters of the Catclaw Kind by Helen Fancher
- Six Kinds of Cholla in the Desert by Andy Romanyak
- Some Foothills Flowers Also Like to Bloom in Fall by Gladys Nisbet
- Spring Flowers Burst into Bloom by Penelope Cox
- State Law Could Mean Protection of Desert Plants by Geoffrey Platts
- Sunflower Family Used for Rubber, Insecticide by David Lutz
- Tenacious Mistletoe Attacks Shrubs by Andy Romanyak
- The Desert Contains a Feast of Native Foods by Andy Romanyak
- The Fragile Desert – Still Fragile by Christina Zuick
- The Mesquite-Lush Refuge by Ellis Jones
- Trees Adapt Well to Desert Heat by Christina Zuick
- Trouble with Thristy Tamarisk by Bert Edises
- Venerable Saguaros, Now in Full Bloom by Andy Romanyak
- When is a weed not a weed? When it’s a native desert plant. by Penny Cox
- Wildflowers Continue Color Display by Glady Nisbet
- Wolfberries Produce a Bumper Crop by Andy Romanyak
- Xerophites Right at Home in the Desert by Andy Romanyak
- Yucca has Many Uses, Including Food, Soap by Andy Romanyak
- Yucca Radiates Desert Beauty by CCIA Conservation Committee
- Yucca, Agave and Aloe by Gladys Nisbet
- Yuccas Only in Southwestern States by Gladys Nisbet