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Have you lost a loved one to death? Are you curious and willing to keep a very open mind?  Are you ready to move beyond grief and not get sucked back into the sometimes addictive cycle of anger, denial, bargaining, and depression?

There is another way.

It is very different, and I promise you will never view death in the same light.

Join renown speaker, Angie Corbett-Kuiperat,  for an afternoon and evening of adventure and discovery as she takes you across the other side of the veil. She shares how she is moving through the devastating suicide deaths of her firstborn son and one year later her husband, only one week after their wedding. Angie shares that “The antidote to lifelong grief and suffering is a willingness to keep an open heart and mind about everything.” She shares stories of proof convincing her that our loved ones are not gone and are still very much right here. Angie hopes that when you leave, you too might find new tools and resources to help navigate your journey through death, grief, and loss to create a life filled with more joy than sadness.

2 Opportunities to hear Angie

Saturday, February 4th at 6pm

Sunday February 5th at 2pm

“I’m so glad I went. I left feeling more peaceful. Something that I haven’t felt for a very long time.”- Julie Warren”

“I feel a weight lifted from my shoulders. Angie gave me a new sense of clarity. I will never look at death…hell, even life the same again.” — KENEÁ PEARSON 

Tickets are $17 and can be purchased HERE

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