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Are you a woman who would like to feel more empowered in your relationships?  Would you like to be more confident in your encounters with others?  We are starting two new 4 week classes that will make such a difference in your life. Kelley Bird, your instructor, is offering an hour-long class that will explain to you what this class is all about.  This free introduction, is on March 2 from 9:30 – 10:30.  

This is not a class that will be discussing feminine issues.  Instead, you will learn specific, tangible practices that help you be seen, be heard, and inspire change to HEAL, TRANSFORM, and STRENGTHEN your most important relationships. The physical and energetic shift will be personally felt as you and others will see you as more confident, healthy, and RADiant!

Kelley Bird, proud mother of 3 boys, is a curious seeker of health through nutrition and personal growth. Founder of Grabbagreen, a healthy fast food chain, she has always had the mindset to help people on their path to Healthy and Happy living.

Please let us know by signing up below, if you would be interested in coming to hear about this class, March 2, 9:30 – 10:30.

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