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This will be one of the most inspiring lectures you will hear this year. As a former defensive end for the Pittsburg Steelers and the New England Patriots, Craig Hanneman will guide us through his successful effort to summit the highest peak on earth, Mt Everest.  A grueling test of endurance and perseverance, facing intense weather conditions and a debilitating intestinal disorder, he reached the summit at 63 years of age.

Craig Hanneman is the only former National Football League, National Basketball Association or Major League Baseball player to have summited the highest peak on each of the seven continents.  More impressively, he conquered the last two after being diagnosed with ALS.  Today, at 74 years of age, Craig is still going strong in spite of battling one of the most debilitating diseases.

Seating is limited so please register early.  A $15 donation to the nonprofit Holland Center will be requested at the door.


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