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Don’t Get Duped in Cyber Space! Protect yourself from identity theft, cyber attacks and scams on phones  and computers. Steve Woods from Tech for Life shares tips to protect your identity and accounts (bank, email, Amazon, etc.) as well as what steps to take if you get hacked.

Steve Woods is the founder of the local company Tech 4 Life Computers.  For 20 years he’s helped Cave Creek / Carefree folks implement technical services in their homes and businesses.


All classes start at 10:30 am in our cool and cozy front lobby.

RSVPs appreciated.


Welcome to our second annual Beat the Heat series! Don’t let summer heat zap your energy and turn you into a couch potato. Recharge this month at the Holland Center with our FREE summer sessions featuring community artists, doctors and business owners sharing their expertise and experiences.

Have fun AND learn something new with engaging and entertaining topics.  Invite a friend and enjoy a cool beverage at the Organic Bread Cafe or linger after and have lunch. Beat the Heat at the Holland Center and have some fun too!

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