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Awaken wellness with Reiki energy and sound healing. Experience more energy, better balance, better sleep and LESS PAIN with Reiki Energy and sound healing. Reiki can help bring on a meditative state that can relieve stress, pain and tension. Thus helping you move forward in a positive manner.

In each group Reiki Healing session, people will gather in an energetically cleared and balanced location. Sallyann, a Reiki Master: 7th generation from Dr. Usui, will positively charge and bless the entire group and send individual healing Reiki light and energy to each person. At the end of each session, participants will feel lighter and relaxed.

Class is $25.

Please register here: Body Aches Be Gone 

About Sallyann

Sallyann of Heaven’s Light Wellness is a gifted clairvoyant, psychic, medium, skilled energy worker and 7th Generation Reiki Master Healer & Teacher. With decades of experience, Sallyann has empowered and helped thousands of people, domestically and internationally, by providing intuitive life coaching, deeper perspective and profound
healing experiences.

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